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Daiken Corporate Policy Statements

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We are at Daiken New Zealand Group see protecting the environment as part of our core values. In taking measures such as those outlined below, we aim to continue to reduce our environmental footprint.

We recognize that our business has a corporate social responsibility to enhance the environmental and promote the long-term sustainability of the panel board industry. We aim to inspire our staff, vendors and clients to do the same.

Our Policy

Daiken NZ Group is committed to the management of all its operations in an environmentally responsible manner and the continual improvement of its environmental management system.

In order to achieve our goal, we will:

  • Establish and maintain an Environmental Management System according to ISO 14001 standard.
  • Comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations.
  • Take effective measures to prevent pollution.
  • Consider the environment in all business decisions.
  • Minimise, if possible, eliminate waste and use natural resources effectively.
  • Encourage recycling as a part of our day-to-day business and processes.

Our Commitments

  • Understanding and managing our environmental risks with the goal of minimising or eliminating those risks.
  • Ensuring the environment is considered in our business decisions, procurement and the products and services we offer.
  • Actively working to prevent pollution, manage waste streams and address relevant biodiversity issues.
  • Engaging with our customers, employees and shareholders on environmental issues.
  • Providing all employees with the training and education necessary to meet our objectives.
  • Complying with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Regularly review environmental objectives and targets and the continually seek to improvement of our ISO14001 environmental management system.
  • Openly communicate our policies and commitments.
  • Monitor and record our environmental impacts on a regular basis and compare our performance with set policies, objectives and targets.
  • Reducing our waste products, purchasing reusable products wherever possible and recycling relevant products.
  • The ongoing increased efficiency in the use of natural resources such as water and the responsible use of electricity.

Working with our Partners

Daiken NZ Group expects our suppliers and other partners to understand, accept and be aware of our environmental policy and all applicable laws, and communicate this to those engaged in the supply chain.


Daiken New Zealand Group believes that our market expects a continually improving product. We aim to continually improve the MDF we provide to meet our client’s requirements and to produce finished work that we can justifiably be proud of.

We know since 1976 that only by providing an outstanding service and product quality we will achieve our aims of long-term success and sustained improvements.

Our Policy

Daiken NZ Group is committed to the satisfaction of all customers by providing quality product and services and the continuous improvement of processes. In order to achieve our goal, we will:

  • Have open communication and foster partnerships with customers.
  • Operate and manage our processes according to ISO9001 standard.
  • Partner with our suppliers is order to ensure quality requirements.
  • Understand and respond to our external and internal customers’ needs.
  • Seek the continual improvement of our processes, products and services.

Our Commitments

  • Meet the requirements of our clients and learn from customer’s feedback.
  • Meet all legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Continually develop our quality management system and ensure it remains effective.
  • Provide training and establish systems to assist all personnel to achieve the standards required.
  • Investigate causes for customer dissatisfaction and will do our best to put right all justified complaints.
  • Achieve our promises for quality, cost and schedule.
  • Partner with our suppliers in order to ensure our standards are achieved through the supply chain.
  • Use preventive practices at all levels to ensure reliable risk management.
  • Develop staff competencies, empowerment and accountability for quality work and show strong management involvement to drive quality outputs.

Working with our Partners

Daiken NZ Group expects our suppliers and other partners to understand, accept and be aware of our quality policy and all applicable laws, and communicate this to those engaged in the supply chain.

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Quality Policy >>

Health and Safety

Daiken New Zealand Group is committed to, and recognises its duty of care for the health and safety to workers, and others and to the elimination of work-related illness and injury.

Our Value Statement


Guiding Principles

The building principles for health and safety are that we will:

  • Identify, understand and effectively manage risks in our business.
  • Use common tools, resources, training and systems.
  • Build safety leadership and capability at all levels.
  • Use relevant measures to drive progress, and
  • Without exception, all be held accountable.

Specific Accountabilities

Each manager and supervisor shall:

  • Understand their specific health and safety responsibilities.
  • Ensure compliance with relevant health and safety legislative and corporate standards.
  • Establish measurable objectives and plans.
  • Provide appropriate resources and measurement systems to ensure health and safety performance is continuously improved.
  • Consult with employee and their representatives to ensure they are involved in decisions that may impact on their health and safety.
  • Communicate health and safety information to all employees, contractors and visitors to the workplace.
  • Ensure accurate reporting of all workplace near misses, incidents, hazards and injuries.
  • Support injured employees in their recovery and return to work.
  • Actively support, promote and act on Daiken health monitoring reporting and health and wellbeing initiatives.

Each worker shall:

  • Accurately report all workplace near misses, incidents, hazards/risks and injuries.
  • Take reasonable care for his or her own health and safety.
  • Take reasonable care that his or her acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of other persons.
  • Comply, as far as the worker is reasonably able, with any reasonable instruction that is given by the PCBU (Person Conducting Business or Undertaking) to allow the PCBU to comply with the HSWA (Health and Safety at Work Act) and Regulations.
  • Co-operate with any reasonable policy or procedure of the PCBU relating to health or safety at the workplace that has been notified to workers.

Social Compliance Policy

This statement reflects Daiken New Zealand Group’s human rights and labour standards policy.

General Provisions

Daiken NZ Group values ethical trade and responsible employment practices and aligns to those companies adhering to the conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the Ethical Trading Initiative’s (ETI) Base code. The standards outlined below reflect the values we uphold in our own policies, and that which we expect of our suppliers and partners.

  • Employment is freely chosen
  • Freedom of association and the right to Collective Bargaining are respected
  • Working conditions are safe and hygienic
  • Child labour shall not be used
  • Fair Wages are paid
  • Working Hours are not excessive
  • No discrimination is practiced
  • Regular employment is provided
  • No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed
  • Business Integrity

Employment Standards of New Zealand

In addition to the above human rights and labour standards, Daiken NZ Group also complies with the required Employment Standards of New Zealand.

Privacy Standards

With regard to the sound, ethical and responsible employment of workers, DNZ also adheres to the Privacy Principles of New Zealand in the collection, protection, use and disclosure of its worker’s private information. This includes compliance with the Privacy Act 1993 and amendments.

Working with our Partners

Daiken NZ Group requires its suppliers and other partners to understand, accept and be aware of our policy and all applicable laws and communicate this policy to all its employees, contractors, suppliers and workers engaged in the supply chain.